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View of Albuquerque from the Sandia Crest

Trekking together to discover and unlock our full potential.

Jason Burnett sitting at table with journal

Why "Crest"

"The Crest" is the long ridge along the top of the Sandia Mountains east of my hometown, Albuquerque, NM. Growing up in Albuquerque brought unique views: terrain, family, history, culture, education and religion. These shaped me in ways I did not fully appreciate until spending a decade away from NM. The Crest has become a meaningful symbol for me of my own leadership journey. There are times where you look up the mountain, seeing an impossible climb. Other times you are on top with incredible views. Each of our leadership journeys lead us through different trails.

Having a guide to help navigate can make all the difference.  



At CrestLeaders, we are dedicated to unlocking the transformative potential within leaders and their teams. Our suite of programs and offerings are designed to challenge, inspire, and empower. With a focus on actionable insights and practical tools, we pave the way for leaders to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic business environment, driving sustainable growth and fostering environments where creativity and strategic execution thrive.

Business Meeting
Team Meeting
Staff Meeting

Peer Group Coaching
with XCore

The XCore program offers a 12-month transformative experience, cultivating core leadership competencies within a supportive peer group setting. Emphasizing emotional intelligence, strategic communication, and leadership agility, XCore participants develop the skills necessary to lead with confidence, build resilient teams, and navigate organizational challenges with strategic foresight.

Transforming Team Communication

This program is designed to revolutionize team dynamics through the power of effective communication. Leveraging the 5 Voices System, teams learn to understand and appreciate the diverse voices within their group, leading to improved trust, collaboration, and performance. Participants are equipped with strategies to create a culture of open dialogue, where every member feels valued and empowered to contribute to their fullest potential.

Meeting & Retreat

Empower teams to tackle their most pressing challenges through structured, creative workshops. Tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization, these sessions harness the collective intelligence of your team, facilitating breakthrough innovations and streamlined decision-making processes. With a focus on actionable outcomes, we guide teams towards achieving their strategic objectives with greater efficiency and effectiveness.


2024 can be the year where you gain clarity, think differently and become a leader that people want to follow.  I would love to serve as your Guide. 

Let's connect for a quick 15-minute discovery call.

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